I am really glad you are here.

Thank you for taking the time & energy to show up.

Noelle Wolf, MA, ATR

Queer & Atypical Art Therapy:

Specializing in working with Queer (LGBTQ+), neurodivergent & disabled communities.

My ideal clients are neuroatypical, polyamorous queers trying to figure this life thing out, who need support & want to make art about it. They desire validation of their dreams & passions & long for encouragement in pursuing them! I strive to meet them where they're at, support their in-the-moment needs & "show up" with & for them; not just physically - emotionally as well. Ideally, they are ready to show up too.

How do you show up for yourself?

You're here, aren't you?

Hi, I am Noelle! I use They/Them pronouns.

I am a white, neuroatypical, gender-fluid queer, living & working on Dakota & Anishinaabe land, also known as Minneapolis, MN. I am a human being who also needs support & care regarding my own mental health. I am in therapy! 

I am pro-feeling feelings & trusting our guts. I believe in love, self-compassion, art as healing, community care as self care, honesty, authenticity & process OVER product.

I am passionate about letting creativity be a guiding force in my personal & professional life. The ability of art to help aid us through difficult times, as well as illuminate & expand upon the joy we are capable of feeling, is an honor to witness & experience myself. 

I trust in balance - there is always a both/and - both light & dark, both growth & rest, both hurt & healing. Making room for how capable we are of holding BOTH is key.  Slow is fast.

Education & Credentials:

Bachelor of Science in Art Therapy - University of Wisconsin-Superior - 2007

Masters of Arts in Art Therapy & Counseling - Southwestern College - 2016

Registered Art Therapist, ATR #23-076


I worked in social services for several years, throughout undergrad & grad school, working with adults with disabilities in day programs, as a personal care provider & in a crisis residence serving adults with Severe & Persistent Mental Illness. 

I worked for Art Therapy of MN, from January 2019 through December 2022, providing individual art therapy to adults. After a lot of learning, growing, support & encouragement, I started my own private practice on January 1st, 2023.